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American Historical Sources to 1945

American Historical Sources to 1945

Produkt niedostępny
Wydawca: Napoleon V
Data wydania: 2017
ISBN/EAN: 9788365746795
Dodaj do schowka
Dostawa od 7,99 zł
Do koszyka
Gratis został dodany do wybranego w produktu, szczegóły w koszyku

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Opis produktu

Polish historical space is deficient in studies of source materials about the United States of America s history AND culture. Until now, the initiative of publishing the above mentioned sources has been made by the staff of the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw. In 1994 a selection of source materials ed. by Michał Rozbicki AND Krzysztof Michałek titled A Selection of Sources ON the History AND Culture of the United States of America was published. Over twenty years that have passed since this publication AND its limited availability have impelled me to work ON this volume.<br/>
Dane szczegółowe
Napoleon V
Data wydania:
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Dostawa od 7,99 zł

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